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Study skills, STEM Articles Camille Goodman Study skills, STEM Articles Camille Goodman

How to Write a Scientific Essay

Unlock the secrets to crafting compelling scientific essays with our comprehensive guide for school students. From structuring your argument to mastering scientific writing style, discover essential tips for success in academia. Perfect for students navigating the intricacies of scientific writing, our blog offers invaluable insights to elevate your essays to the next level.

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Why Attending Talks & Lectures is Important for University Applications and Beyond

Attending events & lectures allows you to gain a rounded appreciation for a subject you are passionate about beyond your school syllabus. School, with its strict schedules and compulsory material, often does not allow enough space for individual exploration and time for you to find out what you are passionate about; instead, you must have the initiative to seek out knowledge. There’s plenty on offer, with lectures and talks open to the public at universities across London, as well as at hallowed institutions such as the British Academy or Royal Society.

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