Is the End of American Economic Supremacy Nigh?

from £78.00

From 1945 to the present day, America has dominated the world economically both as a nation and as a central player in global institutions such as the UN, the WTO, and the IMF. Some have argued that President Donald Trump signals a shift towards American Isolationism and a quiet retreat from the world stage. How far is this true? If it is, who will replace America as the economic hegemon of the future? In this masterclass, you will initially focus on the economic history of the USA, followed by an examination of the economic institutions built by the US after the Second World War and how they have shaped the global economic landscape since then. Is this power in decline? Will other regional powers take control in the future?

  • Host: We have a range of “End of American US Supremacy” masterclass hosts, all Oxbridge-educated Economists with a range of experience across industry. The host will be confirmed upon booking.

  • Duration: Suggested 1-2 hrs depending on the level of detail desired.

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