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STEM Articles, Psychology Camille Goodman STEM Articles, Psychology Camille Goodman

Decode the Mind: Do People Act Cruelly Because They Are ‘Just Following Orders’?

Can people act cruelly without actually being cruel❓Can someone perform evil acts, without evil intentions, because they are following orders❓From Nazi war criminals to the extreme abuse of guards of prison patients in Zimbardo’s infamous Stanford Prison Experiment (1971), explore the theory of the ‘banality of evil’ with psychologist, Chloe.

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STEM Articles, Psychology Guest User STEM Articles, Psychology Guest User

Decode the Mind: Memory Explained

The ability to acquire new information and retain it over time is a crucial skill for daily function, and a range of processes of memory facilitate this. Understanding memory processes can be applied to training memory and developing skills, such as in the case of ‘memorists’ such as Rajan Mahadevan. How can it be possible to earn a place in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1981 for reciting the first 31,811 digits of pi?

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