World Literature Club.


The World Literature Club functions like a book club for intellectually inquisitive students and readers looking to stretch beyond the curriculum and develop analytical & critical discussion skills. Sessions are used as a launch pad for students to pursue their own interests and aim to widen reading repertoire.

The Club classes are hosted by members of our Oxbridge-educated team, from a Fellow at all Soul’s College, University of Oxford, to published authors and Master’s and PhD researchers specialising in post-colonialism and global literature.

Why Join?

Junior Club.

The World Literature Junior Club aims to widen students’ reading repertoire, broadening the horizons of our young literary minds through an exploration of classics and great modern feats of literature across the globe. From tracing fairytales across continents and art forms (prose, poetry, dance, music, film), to an exploration of literature of the ancient worlds and the World Wide Web, students will learn how to discuss and critique texts in an exciting and stimulating environment.

Senior Club.

The Senior Club is for both English university applicants and inquisitive students simply looking to gain exposure to great works of literature from a plethora of countries and cultures. Much like an Oxbridge tutorial session, you will engage in in-depth discussion and a form of debate in each Club class, with topics ranging from “An Anthology of Contemporary African Women's Writing” to looking at authors who write in multiple languages, such as Nabokov’s Lolita.

Junior Club Reading Packs.